Hey Merci Co Creates Community.

Choose your activity below and get involved in the

Hey Merci Co Community!

All welcome x

We meet by Merci the van at 7am, bathers on & ready to get in the ocean.

You do you in the water, float, chat, swim, duck dive, whatever makes you happy.

Bring warm clothes, your favourite mug for a post swim cuppa and a gold coin donation for Catherine House.

Everyone is welcome.

Thursday mornings at Silver Sands Beach on the beautiful Fleurieu Peninsula.


Sunday May 19th 2024: 9am onwards

Kyeema Conservation Park.

Meet at the carpark on Woodgate Hill Rd, Kyeema.

Here is our Facebook Event Page

Look out for Merci.

Immersing in nature is so healing and comforting. It brings you into wonder and presence which is much needed in our full lives.

Each month we go on a hike somewhere on the Fleurieu Peninsula. Merci parks up as our pre hike meeting point and our post hike connection time.

Wear good shoes, layers and bring a rain jacket.

Bring water, warm clothes and your favourite mug for a cuppa afterwards.

A gold coin donation for Catherine House would be very welcome.

Everyone is welcome.

Come together to get your creative craft on!

Join in our community blanket project by knitting squares. (all materials are provided)

Or bring your own project.

Afternoon tea provided and a cosy fire if it is chilly.

Our next date is Saturday June 1st 2024 

2pm ~ 5pm

Location TBA

10 spots only, $25 per head.

Coming soon!

Register your interest by emailing Elle: hello@heymerci.co

Dates and Fleurieu Peninsula location announced soon.